2018-06-28 LG Minutes

24 07 2018

Date: June 28, 2018

Agenda and Minutes of the FUUCSL Leadership Group Meeting
Held at the gazebo near the memorial hill

Zyzzy called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm SLT

Present: Zyzzy, TED, Sofia, Tim
Absent: Ori, Et, Zoe


Minutes – Etaoin (absent)

  • May’s minutes’ acceptance moved, seconded, and approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Sofia

Treasurer’s report May 31, 2018

ASSETS April 30, 2018 May 31, 2018
Magic’s account L$33,477 L$41,103
Byk’s account L$141,093 US$842.73 L$62,093 US$842.73
KIVA: US$475 US$475
Total Assets L$174,570 US$1317.73 L$103,196 US$1317.73
EXPENSES April 30, 2018 May 31, 2018
Presenters: L$17000 L$22,000
Rent: L$75,000 L$150,000
Advertising: L$800 L$1000
Total Expenses L$92,800 L$173,000
Plate collections: L$32,029 L$39,855
Pledge payments: L$92,850 L$92,650
Total Income L$124, 879 L$132,505
Membership 43 43

The fact that income has fallen below expenses is because there are several pledges for 2018 unpaid. Most of these pledges are members of the Leadership Group. If you have not yet paid your pledge, it would be helpful to do so in the near future. IM me if you do not know the exact balance on your pledge.

UUtopia Report – Zyzzy

  • Sanctuary parcel needed to be reset after June 21st service; music pyramid and OOS vase access was disabled. TED suggests cross-training other leaders on the procedure. Zyzzy did a region reboot
  • Peter rented two more parcels: a 2048 UUtopia E, and a 512 that was carved out of the south Sanctuary ridge.
  • Hyacinth moved to Alcott.

Outreach – Et

  • GA! I saw Ori and Azura.
  • CLF has changed to Zoom meetings for Sunday services, investigating how to change the in-world program to handle this.. Zoom has a client that can download, and can also just be run in a browser. No plug-in seen. TED attended June 24th, sanctuary screen was blank, was not able to find the Zoom program link in Firefox. Et will keep working on it.

Library Report – Bel

  • No report this month.

Worship Report

  • Thank you to Sofia, Zoe, and Zyzzy for leading services.

New Business

  • Elections: July 12, before the discussion portion of the service. Please announce the election and any self-nominations at the start of the 5/24 through 7/5 services. (Nominees should plan to be at the 7/12 meeting, and can attend the June LG meeting.)
  • Zyzzy will ensure that LG members can edit the FUUCSL calendar. Tim is interested.
  • TED would like to schedule a meeting outside of church, and invite people to discuss an idea for U.S. legislation. Is the sanctuary available/appropriate? It is in line with our mission.So yes.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:54 pm SLT

Next meeting July 26

